Friday, November 12, 2010

Where Can I Get Free Proxy Servers?

Where Can I Get Free Proxy Servers?

For people that are protecting their privacy, they can always look to the internet. A place to get a piece of the action for free. They use free proxies on the net but may risk something more.
Using free proxy is not without risks. Though there are over a thousand proxy servers that seems readys, administrators are unaware that their servers have been tainted by outside influence. This become a danger of free proxies. They are free but may have been influenced by other sources.
Not all the times a free server is there to protect you. On the other hand these free proxy are designed to steal information. In cases where legit servers have been hacked, they are used to pry into other member's accounts and let the information be accessed.
Experts say a server actually costs a lot more money to protect one person, so why would a proxy supermicro servers be let it for free? In the blink of an eye, who is the person that can afford to subsidize over a million proxy users?Somehow it doesn't make sense.

So where can you get a free proxy server that really works? You can't rely on a 100 percent reliable one, that's the answer.Your identity gets compromised somewhere along and you are left exposed that's the only chances. Using a free proxy server means using a poorly designed one. It may process your request at a high speed but in reality, proxy server cluster are really slow since there are safeguards that whole sites have to go through. Thinking a lot of people doing it you begin to wonder if it really does work.

The Best Windows Dedicated Servers

Some of The Best Windows Dedicated Servers

How to maintain a server? When he had difficulty to maintain the server traffic instead of having fine bandwidth and sometimes he had to suffer the problem of security because the clients were breaking the security. He was reduced to woes and worries.His life was like hell, in short. I suggested him to have a dedicated server.
Windows Dedicated are easy to operate that's why they are the best. These Windows Dedicated are easy to use.I told him how to get the discounted dedicated.Actually he wanted one of the best Windows Dedicated which can be branded by the best Dedicated Server Hosting Company that provides complete satisfaction and that means the administrator does not have to do any thing but to wait and see.
There are many advantages of a dedicated super micro. Enough for a common person to have the best of net. The Windows Dedicated which are of greatest quality are offered by only few companies of the world.One of them offer such a chance to rule the world.
Based on the operating system you prefer you could have the dedicated server at discounted rates. He was given Windows Dedicated when my friend preferred the windows operating system. Then afterwards he used it. He was amazed to witness the best quality and greatest security level.
He became a die-hard fan of it after he used its service. Now he is recommending the Windows Dedicated. According to my friend, being a gpu administrator one has to endeavor to tackle several networking problems including traffic maintenance and other services. Windows Dedicated are professionally maintained. What ever the number of how much traffic you have to monitor, Windows Dedicated will just help you out.
The Dedicated Server Hosting has highly qualified staff of IT professionals who have truly blessed all the Windows Dedicated with supreme attention and dynamic care. Today everything is possible.It depends upon you how you want things to be. You have been spending certain amount of money on maintaining your own server that falls short to suffice the basic needs of your networking and traffic monitoring problems. So make sound decisions.

Definition and Functions of Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Servers' Functions and Definition

The use of a computer and the renting entails the use of a dedicated server. It includes the use of a web server, softwares related to the entire process, internet connection, used in the web site company providers. In this case, the main work of the server is to control the traffic amounts. This can be achieved by the host configuring and operating in remote cases, but from the client's company. Web companies prefer using a host on their premises.
Renting a serve is also a good option.In this case, the company of the client may use a specific computer or a specific choice in the various systems available. Some services providers may allow their client to purchase applications in their personal computers, due to this. The process is known as colocation.

A dedicated gpu server is used to provide a given amount of memory, hard disk space as well as bands width. The number of gigabytes delivered on a monthly basis, is what matters. In connection to this, companies offering this application, allows the renter to carry out virtual hosting. This aspect helps in renting the appliances to third parties, for their own websites. This includes the domain name system, email and file transfer protocols, which are the capabilities included in some of the companies. This is essential in providing easy to use interfaces.

The application works in basic steps. Taking part in using the address from the protocol, the use of browsers is incorporated. The domain name cheap server translates the domain name to form an IP address. In making a decision on how to access data, the browser is used on the protocol. To get the information from the particular host, the signal will then be sent. It then later goes back to the client as a web page in the browser.
Apart from working on the requests made by the users to get the data, the host is also the main determinant in some cases. A host will differentiate the various types of files,  in this case. They are kept in ways that can be easily accessed, among many other jobs. The main determinant of the jobs is the speed of the host of sorting the next account.

This aspect can be used to make the user have a full control of the server. Due to the presence of the band width, sharing space will  be outdated. Most of the websites offer the internet pages free due to this.

Anonymous Proxy Servers For Hidden Users

Hidden Users - Anonymous Proxy Servers
As most organizations want their employees to be utilizing their work time to its maximum effect, the draw to check personal emails and make quick updates onto social networking sites is irresistible to some. To deter such frivolity, their proxy servers are configured according to strict IT policies. Try a window, however, if you can't get out through the door.
Proxies are placed as go-betweens to separate the glass bubble of users. Also they  keep a log of all activities transpired. To bypass the organization, anonymous proxy hpc ride over the internet plains. Several servers are there to overcome restrictions placed by policies. Due to your own undoing, your IP address may inadvertently wind up on a website's black list. These servers provides you with internet anonymity.
As you access a website, it collects information on your activities and usage patterns. All you need to do is to carefully logged into their records as part of improvement. Unfortunately some sites discover your real IP address and turn it into spamming targets.
Proxies also provide better response times in returning your requested web pages. If you happen to request a page which is already cached in the proxy it sends the page to you without having to request a new one. A relief when you have an impending deadline.
Writing a wide range of topics such as proxy tesla gpu, dennis enjoys. Visit for more details.

VPS Hosting Vs Dedicated Servers

VPS Hosting Vs Dedicated Servers

VPS hosting become the main buzzwords today. A service that aims at giving its users all the advantages against dedicated servers.
What does VPS Hosting?

VPS hosting is a technology where a single physical server, having powerful memory capacities and CPU capabilities, is split into two or more servers. The reality is that there is just one server though you feel like there is more than one . It is an extremely good example of how technology is being used to become more and more eco friendly.It is an incredible solution, users are given a complete control for a hosting supermicro servers. A VPS hosting ensures there are no clashes in other partitions. You can use your portion, independently.Some benefits of VPS hosting
If you want to host a website for a specific marketing purpose it is useful. You don't want to keep the website running forever. Once your purpose has been achieved, you will have no more use for all that processing power. An enormous waste, in terms of resources. A large investment is needed to own a set of dedicated servers. You will need also a lot of money on maintenance.
Cost benefits

The dedicated servers will need a data centre, so it costs space and electricity. It needsa trained maintenance professionals, to ensure that the servers are in good working condition. In VPS hosting, these costs will simply be eliminated. The number of days you need to have the virtual server is the only pay that you will need. You can terminate it once your contract gets over. The owner of the VPS hosting will just reallocate the resources that were given to you for someone else. You can also own a VPS hosting in the house.
The VPS hosting is possible due to specialised software that is installed on the main physical server. The hypervisor of the VPS server is programmed so that it can perform the tasks of allocating resources and ensuring that each partitioned server can run independently without having any conflicts with other severs. The costs of maintenance are low, especially if you use outsourced services. The VPS hosting entry level server company will take the responsibility, unlike dedicated servers.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Windows 32bit Vs Windows 64bit

Windows 64bit Vs Windows 32bit

Many new home computers now come equipped with a 64bit processor, soon enough they will become standard. and the prices for 64bit processor have come down dramatically in the past few years. A 64bit processor is capable of running a 64bit Operating System and this is where Windows 64bit comes in. Many people think that upgrading to Windows 64bit is going to make their computer a lot faster, sadly this isn't the case.Take a look for a moment on what a 64bit processor can do that a 32bit one can't.
Memory Address Space - The difference between 32bit and 64bit is address space.Able to address a space of up to 2^32 is the 32 bit processor, which is 4,294,967,295 bytes, this is around 4 Gigabytes, which is a fair bit right?Well a 64bit processor can handle an address space between 0 and 2^64 which is; 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Let's put this into perspective, that is 18.5 exabytes of memory! (An exabyte is 1000 terabytes, 1000 gigabytes is 1 terabyte) So that's a hell of a lot more for rackmount server! For the simple reason that a 32bit Operating system cannot address anymore than this, most home computers don't have more than 4GB!
The Benefits of 64bit - So what actually are the benefits of 64bit Windows? There really aren't any benefits if you have 4GB or less, and at this point I would safely recommend you stick to 32bit!Do you likely to need more if you have more than 4GB of memory? Probably not, unless of course you are running several very memory intensive applications at once. But as I write this I have several instance of firefox, windows media player, Microsoft excel, remote desktop open and my memory usage is sitting at around 615mb! To warrant a 64bit operating system the fact is most people just don't use enough memory.
The problems with 64bit - So far i've pretty much explained that 64bit Windows is pointless for most people, well here is another reason to not bother with it; driver support. The problem is a lot of hardware manufactures will not have 64bit drivers for a lot of their hardware for super micro servers. When this happens you can try and find a 3rd party version. Your only options are only those. Without this I simply wouldn't bother, because of this I seriously recommend that you check if your hardware has 64bit support.
So, in summary 64bit Windows looks great on paper, an enormous address space that nobody could ever possibly fill you will have.The cons outweigh the pro's especially with the inherent problem of driver support (or lack thereof!) Then I would stick with 32bit Windows for now unless your running lots of very memory hungry applications and your confident you can get 64bit versions of driver for your hardware. Chances are in a few years 64bit will gather a lot more support from hardware manufactures.

Which Processor is Best For Vista? Is it a 32 Or 64-bit Dual Core Processor?

Which Processor is Best For Vista? Is it a 32 Or 64-bit Dual Core Processor?

The requirements is very demanding for Windows Vista. Elsewhere on the internet, as far as the requirements which are there on official Microsoft site, it says that you need to have a modern processor which is around 1.8 GHz and 1GB RAM which I think is not at all enough as far as my experience is concerned. The system struggled to do even the simplest tasks like when you try to copy some files and at the same time try to install or uninstall any program. The windows update also was not working properly. Other eye candy stuff like Aero interface and Flip and Flip 3D effects struggled to work properly. I used Windows Vista on the below configuration for about 4 months and the result was pathetic.
Processor - AMD 64 3200+ (1.8 GHz)

Graphics - GeForce FX5200 AGP 256MB


Recently I upgraded my PC to the latest 8000 Series Nvidia graphic card and a Dual Core 64-Bit Processor and to PC to 2Gig of RAM and the results were outstanding for a low cost server.The one which was recently released I also installed, the latest Service Pack1 for Windows Vista. Latest configuration is given below.
Processor - AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ (2.2GHz)

RAM - 2GB RAM (PC-6400)

Graphics - GeForce 8600 PCI-EX

Now the computer was running smoothly as it was running on a dual core processor. All the stuff related with the operating system core performance was handled by the first core and other misc. stuff like playing games, watching movies, audio and video conversion was handled by the second core and super micro. The results were amazing. So overall the conclusion is that I tried all possible combination of hardware in the market starting from 32-Bit to 64-Bit processor, from single core to Dual core processor, from onboard graphics to dedicated graphic cards, from AGP to PCI-Ex graphic cards and the end configuration fit for Vista which I think is best for Windows Vista is as given below.
Processor - Intel or AMD Dual Core or Quad Core (2 GHz and above)

RAM - 2GB and above (at least PC6400)

Graphics - Atleast 256MB card (Don't go below latest 8000 series PCI-Ex card)

HDD- Atleast 80GB Hard Disk Drive.

Optical Drive - DVD-ROM Drive

All the above recommended solutions given does not reflect any official authority documentation or recommendation and are my personal opinion.So its totally up to you as to what configuration you go for.

Supermicro Does Super Job with Super Server

Super Server Done a Super Job by Supermicro

Supermicro feels that no name better suites their 1U server than “Super Server.”
A quick work of Windows Server 2008 does the Super Server 6015C-M3 work.
Some 1U (1.75-inch) servers treat Microsoft’s Windows Server like kryptonite. The Super Server avoids those perils by cranking up the horsepower with support for two dual-core/quad-core Intel Xeon Processor 5100/5200/5300/5400 sequence (with 2MB Level 2 integrated advanced transfer cache per core, 4MB L2 cache total, up to 3.40 GHz) and 48GB of DDR (double data rate) 2 533/667 registered memory.
Two Intel Gigabit Ethernet LAN 82573L adapters, an LSI 1068E PCI-E SAS controller and a motherboard loaded with real-time sensors, peeking under the cape reveals an Intel Blackford VS5100 chip set.

Measuring just 1.7 inches high, 17.2 inches wide and 19.8 inches in depth, all of those components are crammed into a low cost server that is not much bigger than a pizza box. Thanks to ample cooling, administrators will not have to worry about the unit burning the pepperoni or melting the cheese.
All accessible from the front of the unit, SuperMicro was able to make room for an optical drive and four 3.5-inch hot-swappable SAS drive trays. High-efficiency power supply provides the electrons to fire the beast up and keep it running.
Provides easy access to the internals, thanks to sliding rail mounts and a push button accessed by the flip-up hood it also uses a solid design that keeps the case.The unit is easy to install and maintain and it will not need Lois Lane to turn it on. Provide a quick snapshot of the Super Server’s health for those pesky Jimmy Olson types will appreciate all of the integrated device monitoring capabilities.
Equipped it with a pair of Harpertown (Xeon E5450 3GHz) CPUs, 6GB of DDR2 RAM and a Fujitsu 147GB SAS 15K 3.5-inch hard drive a testing was sent over Super Server with Supermicro. That configuration that should cost an integrator around $1,500.
We took the unit for a test drive when we installed Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition (64-bit). The system went from “no OS” to a member of our domain in less than an hour and the installation was quite fast.
To take a peek at performance, we threw the 64-bit version of  Passmark’s Performance Test on the system and were rewarded with an impressive Passmark rating of 2885—performance ample enough to make short work of Microsoft’s new arrivals of Windows Small Business Server 2008 and Windows Essential Business Server 2008 and supermicro servers.
System builders can expect to pay around $750 for a bare-bones unit. Complete specs can be found at Supermicro.

AMD Socket C32-based servers

Supermicro Support for AMD C32 Launch

Recognized by the industry for its award winning, first-to-market, application optimized server solutions, is pleased to join AMD in the launch of its newest line of single and dual socket AMD Opteron™ 4000 Series platforms is the Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI).  This family of products provides exceptional scalability and platform flexibility and combines the new lowest power-per-core¹ AMD Opteron 4100 Series server processors with our industry leading high-efficiency architecture. Ideal solutions for cloud computing environments, basic infrastructure servers, and SMB solutions, are these exceptional value AMD Socket C32-based servers.
For example, with its space saving micro-ATX form factor, the Supermicro H8SCM 1P Socket-C32 server board is compact enough to excel in mini-1U chassis environments yet also flexible enough to power full size rack and pedestal servers. Including optimization for the newest AMD Opteron 4100 Series processors and up to 64GB of registered ECC DDR3 memory in 4 DIMM slots, dual GbE LAN ports, four PCI-Express 2.0 expansion slots, and support for up to six SATA drives with RAID 0, 1, 10 and up to seven USB 2.0 ports this board features for tesla gpu.
Our innovation extends from server boards to complete systems and today, we’re also expanding our lineup of Socket C32-based servers, one of the things that sets Supermicro apart.
H8SCM-F powers the short-depth 1012C-MRF server.  This cost-effective server features one PCI-E 2.0 x16 expansion slot, two internal SATA drive bays, one DVD-ROM, two GbE LAN ports and one dedicated LAN for IPMI 2.0 remote system management, with a depth of just 14.5”. It features 350-watt Gold Level (93%+) Supermicro power supply, 1012C-MRF delivers maximum power savings and value.
The 1022TC-IBQF and 1022TC-TF are based on the award-winning Supermicro 1U Twin™ system architecture, which enables two dual-processor (DP) server nodes in a 1U chassis for server cluster. Our twin systems offer amazing consolidation options and we are seeing a substantial part of the market move to dense environments and as they do so, power efficiency becomes even more important. We’ve arranged the two DP nodes to share a 920-watt Platinum Level (94%+) Supermicro power supply to provide the ultimate in system power efficiency and energy savings. While the 1022TC-TF is a cost-optimized solution, the 1022TC-IBQF provides high-performance features like the onboard 40Gb/s QDR InfiniBand ports for high-speed connectivity.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Corsair Memory to Aid the Supermicro Core Processors

Corsair Memory to Aid the Supermicro Core Processors

Extremely established in the computing and hardware markets and have been for years now is the well known corsair. They can produce memory products not only for the home, but large multinational companies and hangar sized high performance computer rooms. The Corsair Memory has long been thought as the most reliable manufacturer of such systems and known the best.
Intel, Tyan and Supermicro are just a few of the multinational companies that have made a deal with Corsair to incorporate their memory products into their own hardware. They can provide great quality memory devices at affordable prices for both ends of their market.
The Dominator is the name of the latest technology produced by Corsair this year. To provide stable performance, heat minimization and high performance it is designed.
Many awards have already won by Dominator range in the computing industry.The reasons for which are obvious and despite any hurdles, they have come out on top every time. Intellectual and clever hardware Corsair produce which can move with the times and outlast their competitors. People running DDR2 and DDR1 can use the Value Select range which is aimed specifically at them at lower prices.
The XMS branches are where they began and where their speciality still lies, the original Corsair range. Previously, technology such as this was not widely available and was only seen within the boundary walls of large multinational and corporate companies. Nowadays, however, this is no longer the case and any owner of a laptop computer or supermicro is able to purchase such a product.
The Pro Series has been named to a part of the standard XMS range. Faced paced games in high resolutions needs fast processing speeds, thus Pro series was established. The new memory within the XMS range now contains real time activity LEDs which signal to the player exactly what is happening with their equipment and when. Heat spreaders for the whole range are available in both black and silver colors to suit the requirements of the player.
The latest venture that Corsair have branched into is manufacturing of liquid cooling units. Assisted the Corsair in enveloping into a much wider market and also led them further up their chain in the memory market is the ranges called the Flash Voyager and the Flash Survivor series.

Mastering Dedicated Servers - How to Use Them

Using Dedicated Servers

The lifeline of a computer is a server. But if the servers are not working properly like maybe it's slower than expected then a dedicated server might be the solution.

When we say dedicated servers it means the special usage of computers. These computers run with a software, a web server, and an internet connection all interacting together. They come from your hosting server.

If you are experiencing a lot of traffic on your sites, you may have to get a dedicated gpu server to handle it.

It's a fact that dedicated servers can handle constant heavy traffic. It would be best to have these all running in one core location. The setup for web hosting companies has proven to be cost effective.

Dedicated servers are usually rented from hosting companies. With that, comes the usage of a special system they can use. A local computer high performance computer can also be used to connect to the hosting system. When renting dedicated servers, only a certain amount of memory is available for use.

Bandwidth and disk space is also included with the package.

These would also inclue a domain name, email accounts, and FTP setups. FTP means file transfer protocol. This is where you upload websites/webpages. The system is an easy to control method for uploading files.

Using upgraded systems would give more advantages. Like having the system in one hosting location. Including the hardware and operating system.

Having this, it is essential to perform administrative maintenance. Wherein system upgrades, and security updates be performed. OS restoration is essential. When this is installed, it would work automatically should the system go down.

These systems commonly runs with Linux which is a free system. Using something like Windows requires a fee for the license. And this type of system is very helpful for people who are getting heavy traffic on their sites. You might want to wait until it's too late to get one installed. You wouln't want your business to go down don't you?

Rebecca Star is a custom web designer consultant and creator. Visit for more information.

So What is a "Server" Anyway?

Anyway What is a "Server"?

I was in the middle of a sales meeting when I was asked, "Anthony, what is a server, anyway?" Those within the field of business hear this word thrown around all the time. Business owners are unclear about what a server really does. I will venture to explain what a server does to coaid businesses.
Let me start with an analogy, which is the easiest way I can explain what a computer server is.Think back to the last time you were at a restaurant, probably you were there with some friends or family. Upon sitting down, you were given menus. You and your party looked through the menu. Then you were greeted by your SERVER. The server asked what you would like to order. Then after you order the server processed the order for food. Then the order was ready and it was distributed by the server. Auditing everything that was processed, at the end of the transaction and left with a receipt.
Computer servers are very similar to the tasks of a waiter or a waitress. A server does just serves up information. A server is a single, specialized computer that is used to centralize information and resources. If ever your business has about 5 or more computers then you can achieve significant time and cost savings by using a server cluster. Study some of the dilemmas faced by similar businesses that do not have a server within their company:
Do you want to centralize and organize your files because you can't always find the right information when you need it?

Is it possible to efficiently share ideas and information with your colleagues?

Needing access to e-mail, data, and files while you are away from the office?

Is there any possibility for your employees share equipment and resources such as printers, fax machines, and Internet access?
Are you planning of creating backup copies of important information if a disaster happened at the office?
Are your business information protected from unauthorized users?
Oh, and one more thing...if your company is interested in learning more about whether a gpu server is right for your company, give Spidernet Technical Consulting, LLC a call. A free technology assessment we'll give to your company!

Anthony Licate is the President of Spidernet Technical Consulting, LLC ( Spidernet Technical Consulting helps companies operate more effectively by means of reducing their computer support issues and streamlining how they work. He has worked with multiple types of businesses to strategize, re-align and implement technology. Anthony can be reached at

Ventilation is the Key to Proper Server and Computer Server Racks

Ventilation is the Key to Proper Server and Computer Server Racks

So you have asserted to acquire a Rack mount cabinet for you computer equipment. Before you make your purchase, there are some features you may want to consider.
A precious feature that you should be a part of your purchasing decision is the type of ventilation that the rack mount cabinet you are about to obtain has to offer.

One of the most important features of rack mount enclosures is air flow and ventilation. An operating computer creates excessive heat.
Some rack mount enclosures offer the solution to the problem of ventilation and heat dissipation. These types of rack mount enclosures offer a mesh type front door and vents on all side panels which give this supermicro some of the best air circulation characteristics in the industry. Ventilation on the side or back panels is also offered in some rack mount cabinets.
Some rack enclosure manufacturers will include ventilation fans as part of their standard equipment package while others offer them as optional equipment packages. Choosing the orderly amount of a ventilation fans will assure you the proper cooling of your computer equipment. The number of fans you choose to use should be determined by the size of your cabinets and the amount of equipment that will be in your enclosure.
You will also be choosing shelving for your rack mount enclosure as well. Of course many choices of shelving are available, and obviously ventilation should be considered in your shelving decisions as well. You will find in many cases that vented shelves will also be an available option when making your purchase.
In my opinion ventilation is the most important decisions when choosing rack mount enclose. In the absence of proper heat dissipation and ventilation, more damage in a very short period of time can be caused by excessive heat. So before you make you final decision on your rack mount cabinet, be sure to consider how much ventilation your computer equipment will need.
M-B Electronics president is Mark Boehm. In over 25 years of experience he has in the Audio Visual and Electronics Industry. You can contact him by calling 800-872-9456 or e-mail him at
For more information visit Server Rack Cabinets or Wall Mount Cabinets

Features of Good Server Rack and Computer Server Racks

Features of Good Server Rack and Computer Server Racks

It is common for management in a smaller company to OK new servers and somehow forget they need to go somewhere. We get frantic calls daily from customers saying they need a rackmount server or cabinet for their new hardware.

This is where things can get a bit dicey. Blade servers are more commonly used these days and they are about 29-42 inches deep. They can be very noisy and hot. One Network Manager said he thought he was sitting on the wing of a propeller driven plane it was so loud!

A special design for ventilation is required for blade servers as they blow air out at their backs. The server cabinet should have front and back holes. So that you can still see the servers while you lock the cabinet doors. A fan may also be helpful if your room still has extra space for it.

Most servers these days use a mounted braket with a flange to fit on a hole on the rack. It is important that you get a cabinet with the said rackrail.

There are other types of server racks referred to as 4-post server racks. They basically are frames with 2 sets of vertical rails that adjusts in depth. Some of the better 4-post racks can adjust from 26-42 inches deep. It's the best low cost way to start your hardware.

The following are things to consider when choosing a low cost server:

Depth of hardware including depth of cables attached
An open cabinet or a cabinet that can be closed
Is noise a concern for the location
Air source
Do you need blank panels to help direct airflow
Will you have special cabling applications
The type of powerstrip and PDU it requires
What is the ambient temperature for location
Do you need any temperature or humidity sensors
Will you use a KVM,keyboard, or monitor

As you can see, there are a lot of considerations to choosing the best server rack for your applications. The above consideartion can be accomodated with a quality rack. That being said, one of the biggest mistakes is buying a server rack cabinet that is not deep enough.

ISC has a large selection of computer racks, rackmount powerstrip and rackmount accessories. Their online catalog contains detailed descriptions.

Server Racks and Computer Server Rack Evolution

Interestingly words morph so quickly in the computer IT arena over the years. The term server rack for example morphed from being called the enclosure cabinet, to the data cabinet and then to the computer rack which was made to accomodate the computer hardware on 19" EIA rack rails.

Most of these type enclosure cabinets were shallow from 20" to 25" deep and were basically the same for many years. Changes started when blade entry level server became popular years ago and needed deeper cabinets. Until blade servers entered the market, most servers were towers or 15-20" deep that could be rack mounted in 4U-8U space.

Majority pf blade servers were engineered to occupy 1U-4U of space. This advancement allowed multiple servers to be accommodated in a single computer rack. Whenever blade servers were place in such a crammed “U” space problems occurred. Deeper and hotter servers evolved that were up to 42” deep. Heat disperse was addressed by pulling air from the front of the server and blowing it out the back.

These deeper hot running servers no longer worked well in a conventional enclosure cabinet or computer rack and a new style computer rack was developed. Deeper cabinets were designed to enable air to flow from the front and go out at the back. Evolution of the industry term server rack started.

The 10/32 tapped rack rails standard evolved into a punched square hole that hold a socket for a 6mm cage nut and screw. Dell, along with other manufactures, makes sliding rails that attach to the server rack with a special flange that fits into the square hole without the use rack screws.

Now there are many variations of racks. A number of companies came with the addition of plexi doors with vents fitting front door and rear door frame. Other server rack versions have a locking screen door in front and a double screen door in the back to save space as it opens into an aisle.

A skilled author Leslie Parker makes articles about PDUs, computer cabinets, wallmount portable rackmounts cases, server racks, businesses and almost everything about the matter. I have made many articles on Rackmount products too.